
Introduction: Oral manifestations in patients living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may be the first sign of the disease, and talk about the deterioration of the immune system. Objective: Determine the frequency of oral manifestations in people living with HIV (PLHIV), establishing the association with CD4 lymphocyte count and viral load. Materials and methods: 177 patients living with HIV in control and / or treatment of the Base Hospital of Valdivia in Chile, where he underwent an oral examination and values ​​of the last count of CD4 lymphocytes and viral load were collected were studied. Results: The sample consisted of 78.5% males; the average age was 40.1±12.02 years, and 92.7% were on antiretroviral therapy. The oral lesions occurred in 93.8% of patients, of which 39.2% belonged to oral manifestations of the EEC Classification. It was observed that patients with oral manifestations had values ​​lower CD4 lymphocytes (427.40 ± 224.51) than those who did not submit (530.8 ± 222.7); finding that both values ​​are independent of viral load. Conclusions: Oral lesions in people living with HIV are mostly associated with a low CD4 lymphocyte count, regardless of receiving antiretroviral therapy and viral load at the time of presenting oral exam.

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