
We begin by explicating a recent proof of the cluster decomposition principle in AdS_{d+1} from the CFT_d bootstrap in d > 2. The CFT argument also computes the leading interactions between distant objects in AdS, and we confirm the universal agreement between the CFT bootstrap and AdS gravity in the semi-classical limit. We proceed to study the generalization to 2d CFTs, which requires knowledge of the Virasoro conformal blocks in a lightcone OPE limit. We compute these blocks in a semiclassical, large central charge approximation, and use them to prove a suitably modified theorem. In particular, from the 2d bootstrap we prove the existence of large spin operators with fixed 'anomalous dimensions' indicative of the presence of deficit angles in AdS_3. As we approach the threshold for the BTZ black hole, interpreted as a CFT scaling dimension, the twist spectrum of large spin operators becomes dense. Due to the exchange of the Virasoro identity block, primary states above the BTZ threshold mimic a thermal background for light operators. We derive the BTZ quasi-normal modes, and we use the bootstrap equation to prove that the twist spectrum is dense. Corrections to thermality could be obtained from a more refined computation of the Virasoro conformal blocks.

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