
Universality is a powerful concept in physics, allowing one to construct physical descriptions of systems that are independent of the precise microscopic details or energy scales. A prime example is the Fermi gas with unitarity limited interactions, whose universal properties are relevant to systems ranging from atomic gases at microkelvin temperatures to the inner crust of neutron stars. Here we address the question of whether unitary Bose systems can possess a similar universality. We consider the simplest strongly interacting Bose system, where we have an impurity particle ("polaron") resonantly interacting with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Focusing on the ground state of the equal-mass system, we use a variational wave function for the polaron that includes up to three Bogoliubov excitations of the BEC, thus allowing us to capture both Efimov trimers and associated tetramers. Unlike the Fermi case, we find that the length scale associated with Efimov trimers (i.e., the three-body parameter) can strongly affect the polaron's behaviour, even at boson densities where there are no well-defined Efimov states. However, by comparing our results with recent quantum Monte Carlo calculations, we argue that the polaron energy is a \emph{universal} function of the Efimov three-body parameter for sufficiently low boson densities. We further support this conclusion by showing that the energies of the deepest bound Efimov trimers and tetramers at unitarity are universally related to one another, regardless of the microscopic model. On the other hand, we find that the quasiparticle residue and effective mass sensitively depend on the coherence length $\xi$ of the BEC, with the residue tending to zero as $\xi$ diverges, in a manner akin to the orthogonality catastrophe.


  • Universality is a powerful concept in physics, allowing one to construct physical descriptions of systems that are independent of the precise microscopic details or energy scales

  • We have previously argued that the lowdensity limit of the polaron energy universally depends on n1=3ja−j because of the universal behavior of the few-body states demonstrated in Sec

  • For sufficiently low boson densities, we have demonstrated that the polaron equation of state is a universal function of the three-body parameter associated with Efimov physics

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Universality is a powerful concept in physics, allowing one to construct physical descriptions of systems that are independent of the precise microscopic details or energy scales. If we parametrize the size of the deepest Efimov trimer by ja−j, where a− is the scattering length at which the trimer crosses the three-atom continuum (see Fig. 1), the hierarchy of length scales at unitarity is r ≪ n−1=3 ≪ ja−j for the typical densities n in experiment [15,16] This suggests that there is a regime where Efimov physics is irrelevant, such that the groundstate properties of the polaron only depend on the density, like in the case of an impurity resonantly interacting with a Fermi gas [48,49,50,51,52]. For the case of an ideal BEC, the effective mass converges to a finite value as we increase the number of excitations of the condensate, while the residue vanishes in a manner reminiscent of the orthogonality catastrophe for a static impurity in a Fermi gas [53]

Low-density limit
High-density limit
Many-body universal regime
Effective mass
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