
We study low-energy dynamics of [SU(N )]K chiral quiver gauge theories in connection with mathcal{N} = 1 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, and quantum chromodynamics with bi-fundamental fermions (QCD(BF)). These theories can be obtained by ℤK orbifold projections of mathcal{N} = 1 SU(N K ) SYM theory, but the perturbative planar equivalence does not extend nonperturbatively for K ≥ 3. In order to study low-energy behaviors, we analyze these systems using ’t Hooft anomaly matching and reliable semiclassics on ℝ3× S1. Thanks to ’t Hooft anomaly that involves 1-form center symmetry and discrete chiral symmetry, we predict that chiral symmetry must be spontaneously broken in the confinement phase, and there exist N vacua. Theories with even K possess a physical θ angle despite the presence of massless fermions, and we further predict the N -branch structure associated with it; the number of vacua is enhanced to 2N at θ = π due to spontaneous C P breaking. Both of these predictions are explicitly confirmed by reliable semiclassics on R3× S1 with the double-trace deformation. Symmetry and anomaly of odd-K theories are the same as those of the mathcal{N} = 1 SYM, and the ones of even-K theories are same as those of QCD(BF). We unveil why there exists universality between vector-like and chiral quiver theories, and conjecture that their ground states can be continuously deformed without quantum phase transitions. We briefly discuss anomaly inflow on the domain walls connecting the vacua of the theory and possible anomaly matching scenarios.


  • In ’t Hooft coupling thanks to the perturbative planar equivalence [2, 3]

  • We study low-energy dynamics of [SU(N )]K chiral quiver gauge theories in connection with N = 1 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, and quantum chromodynamics with bi-fundamental fermions (QCD(BF))

  • We take an approach from two perspectives: one is the recent generalization of ’t Hooft anomaly matching, and the another is the reliable semiclassics on R3 × S1 with double-trace deformation

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Even K

At θ = 0, this symmetry does not enter the ’t Hooft anomaly, so we will assume that ZK is unbroken. To find the consequence of unbroken ZK symmetry, we again need to specify the spinor contractions of chiral operators (2.25). As in the case of CP transformation, the physical θ angle flips its sign under ZK, so it is a good symmetry only at θ = 0 or θ = π. This argument shows that the combination of ZK permutation and CP transformation is a good symmetry at any values of θ. As the transformation do not commute with the discrete chiral symmetry, the rigorous statement is that, when the discrete chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken, each vacuum respects after appropriate rotation of broken chiral symmetry

ZK permutation symmetry
Vacuum structure of odd-sites quiver theories
Vacuum structure of even-sites quiver theories
Generalized ’t Hooft anomaly for θ periodicity
Comments on domain walls
Odd K theories
Even K theories
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