
Let X_R be a geometrically irreducible smooth projective curve, defined over R, such that X_R does not have any real points. Let X= X_R\times_R C be the complex curve. We show that there is a universal real algebraic line bundle over X_R x Pic^d(X_R)$ if and only if $\chi(L)$ is odd for L in Pic^d(X_R)$. There is a universal quaternionic algebraic line bundle over X x Pic^d(X) if and only if the degree d is odd. Take integers r and d such that r > 1, and d is coprime to r. Let M_{X_R}(r,d) (respectively, M_X(r,d)$) be the moduli space of stable vector bundles over X_R (respectively, X) of rank r and degree d. We prove that there is a universal real algebraic vector bundle over X_R x M_{X_R}(r,d) if and only if \chi(E) is odd for E in M_{X_R}(r,d). There is a universal quaternionic vector bundle over X x M_X(r,d) if and only if the degree d is odd. The cases where X_R is geometrically reducible or X_R has real points are also investigated.

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