
In Type II string vacua constructed from intersecting/magnetized D-branes, the supersymmetry-breaking soft terms are genericaly non-universal. It is shown that universal supersymmetry-breaking soft terms may arise in a realistic MSSM constructed from intersecting/magnetized D-branes in Type II string theory. For the case of dilaton-dominated supersymmetry breaking, it is shown that the universal scalar mass and trilinear coupling are fixed such that m0=(1/2)m3/2 and A0=−m1/2. In addition, soft terms where the universal scalar mass m0 is much larger than the universal gaugino mass m1/2 may be easily obtained within the model. Finally, it is shown that the special dilaton and no-scale strict moduli boundary conditions, which are well known in heterotic string constructions, may also be obtained.

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