
Chaos generators are generally designed and implemented by using analog circuit design techniques. Analog implementations require a variety of circuitry that comprises different passive and active electronic components like individual op-amps, comparators, analog multipliers, trigonometric function generators. Anyone who wants to experimentally investigate different structurally chaotic systems has to provide a significant amount of circuit hardware. This process may be hard and time consuming. At this stage, the question to be asked: Is there a unique analog component for implementing a universal analog chaos generator which is capable of generating the chaotic signals of nearly all analog-based chaotic systems. Fortunately, we can now answer this question positively. This analog device is FPAA (Field-Programmable Analog Array). FPAA is the analog equivalent of the FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) used as programmable device in digital signal processing. FPAA is a programmable device for implementing a rich variety of systems including analog functions via dynamic reconfiguration. FPAA can be configured in real time which allows the designers to modify the design or make completely new design in real time. In this paper, we aim to show how FPAA device can be used as universal device for design and implementation of programmable analog chaos generators. For this purpose, we will introduce three FPAA-based design examples: autonomous Chua's circuit, nonautonomous MLC (Murali–Lakshmanan–Chua) circuit and a chaotic system based on a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) model.

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