
Let Ω[ξ] denote the polynomial algebra (with 1) in commutative indeterminates {ie65-1}, 1 ≦i, j ≦n, 1 ≦k < ∞, over a commutative ring Ω. Thealgebra of generic matrices Ω [Y] is defined to be the Ω-subalgebra ofM n (Ω[ξ]) generated by the matricesY k=({ie65-2}), 1 ≦i, j ≦n, 1 ≦k < ∞. This algebra has been studied extensively by Amitsur and by Procesi in particular Amitsur has used it to construct a finite dimensional, central division algebra Ω (Y) which is not a crossed product. In this paper we shall prove, for Ω a domain, that Ω(Y) has exponentn in the Brauer group (Amitsur may already know this fact); consequently, for Ω an infinite field andn a multiple of 4, iff(X 1, …,X m) is a polynomial linear in all theX i but one (similar to Formanek’s central polynomials for matrix rings) andf 2 is central forM n (Ω), thenf is central forM n (Ω). (The existence of a polynomial not central forM n (Ω), but whose square is central forM n(Ω) is equivalent to every central division algebra of degreen containing a quadratic extension of its center; well-known theory immediately shows this is the case of 4‖n and 8χn.) Also, information is obtained about Ω(Y) for arbitary Ω, most notably that the Jacobson radical is the set of nilpotent elements.

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