
This paper discusses a macroscopic model for ac conduction in electronically or ionically conducting disordered solids. The model considers ac conduction in an inhomogeneous solid that is characterized by a spatially randomly varying thermally activated (frequency-independent) conductivity. Discretizing Maxwell's equations leads to an equivalent electrical circuit that is a simple-cubic lattice where each pair of nodes are linked by a resistor and a capacitor in parallel. The values of the resistors are determined by the local resistivity while the capacitors are all equal, given by the infinite-frequency dielectric constant. It is shown that the capacitor currents are Maxwell's displacement currents. Assuming uncorrelated resistances, the model is solved analytically at low temperatures in the effective-medium approximation (EMA) and in a naive percolation-path approximation. Both approximations predict similar universal ac responses as T\ensuremath{\rightarrow}0, where the macroscopic frequency-dependent conductivity becomes independent of the activation-energy probability distribution. The universality represents an unusual type of regularity appearing in the extreme disorder limit. The universality prediction is tested by computer simulations of 200\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}200 lattices in two dimensions and of 50\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}50\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}50 lattices in three dimensions. The computer simulations show that the EMA works very well in two dimensions in the whole temperature range studied; in particular, the low-temperature universality prediction is confirmed. In three dimensions the universality prediction is confirmed as well.


  • Alternating current conduction in disordered solids has been studied during the last 40 years. ' Numerous papers have appeared, especially after 1970, reporting the frequency and temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity in electronically or ionically conducting disordered solids like glasses or various forms of imperfect crystals

  • Comparison of the predictions of the effectivemedium approximation (EMA) and the percolation-path approximation (PPA) for the low-temperature universal frequency-dependent conductivity which is independent of the activation energy probability distribution. (a) shows a log-log plot of the function o.effective-medium approximation (EMA)(s) at real dimensionless La

  • This paper has investigated the ac consequences of having a spatially varying electrical conductivity, focusing on the low-temperature limit in the case when the local conductivity is thermally activated

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Universal low-temperature ac conductivity of macroscopically disordered nonmetals. This paper discusses a macroscopic model for ac conduction in electronically or ionically conducting disordered solids. The model considers ac conduction in an inhomogeneous solid that is characterized by a spatially randomly varying thermally activated (frequency-independent) conductivity. The model is solved analytically at low temperatures in the effective-medium approximation (EMA) and in a naive percolation-path approximation. Both approximations predict similar universal ac responses as T~O, where the macroscopic frequency-dependent conductivity becomes independent of the activation-energy probability distribution. The computer simulations show that the EMA works very well in two dimensions in the whole temperature range studied; in particular, the low-temperature universality prediction is confirmed. In three dimensions the universality prediction is confirmed as well ~

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