
Target imbalance affects the performance of recent deep learning methods in many medical image segmentation tasks. It is a twofold problem: class imbalance – positive class (lesion) size compared to negative class (non-lesion) size; lesion size imbalance – large lesions overshadows small ones (in the case of multiple lesions per image). While the former was addressed in multiple works, the latter lacks investigation. We propose a loss reweighting approach to increase the ability of the network to detect small lesions. During the learning process, we assign a weight to every image voxel. The assigned weights are inversely proportional to the lesion volume, thus smaller lesions get larger weights. We report the benefit from our method for well-known loss functions, including Dice Loss, Focal Loss, and Asymmetric Similarity Loss. Additionally, we compare our results with other reweighting techniques: Weighted Cross-Entropy and Generalized Dice Loss. Our experiments show that inverse weighting considerably increases the detection quality, while preserves the delineation quality on a state-of-the-art level. We publish a complete experimental pipeline (https://github.com/neuro-ml/inverse_weighting) for two publicly available datasets of CT images: LiTS and LUNA16. We also show results on a private database of MR images for the task of multiple brain metastases delineation.

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