
The natural world is built and operated by universal laws. Stephen Hawking prophecy states that by understanding the working of the universe, you will know and understand the mind of God. This paper focuses on analyzing different universal laws and their origin, rationale, and prophecy. This research is a framework of the science, rationale, vision, and metaanalysis of universal laws. The findings revealed that natural law, in philosophy, is a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and is derived from nature. Natural law theory is concerned with two basic principles, which are morality and legality. God's eternal law is not fully cognizable by humans in His everlasting plan. The scientific laws of nature consist of many principles which were earlier assumed as Nature’s laws. The first spiritual law of success is pure potentiality which says humans are pure consciousness. The 12 universal laws are inherent and unchanging principles that ancient people intuitively discovered through their fact-finding efforts. The law of Newton’s gravity is considered “universal” and it is applicable on all bodies having a mass (sun, moon, earth, apple, etc.). The 7 cosmic laws are fundamental principles that control everyone and everything. God designed nature’s laws and blessed humans with rationality to understand them. Also, God's eternal law can be discovered by observing the behaviour of animals and planets, as well as understanding how people should behave.

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