
Interfacial fluctuations in complete wetting films give rise to important corrections to the macroscopic Kelvin equation for the location of the shifted first-order (condensation) transition that occurs when a fluid (or an Ising magnet) is confined between two parallel adsorbing walls. The wall separation L that enters the usual Kelvin equation must be replaced by L- phi l( mu *), where l is the thickness of the wetting film at the chemical potential mu * at which capillary condensation occurs and phi is an amplitude. For pure systems with short-ranged forces thermal wandering is insufficient to renormalize the simple geometric result phi =2 for bulk dimensions d>or=3. However, in d=2, where fluctuations are much stronger, the authors predict phi =3 throughout the weak fluctuation regime of complete wetting which includes long-ranged dispersion forces as well as short-ranged forces. Their prediction is supported by an explicit analysis of a d=2 interfacial Hamiltonian. This shows that pseudo-phase coexistence, characterized by an exponentially large transverse correlation length, occurs for an exponentially narrow range of mu * determined by the corrected Kelvin equation with phi =3.

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