
The Campus of the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa (FT Unhas Gowa) is one of the buildings built where issues and problems regarding human rights equality have been discussed. However, the circulation system in the FT Unhas Gowa area has implemented a universal design concept with guide lanes, and the provision of ramps seems to only partially meet users' needs in terms of facilities' affordability. This research will be conducted using evaluative research with qualitative analysis. Evaluative research is a research activity that evaluates an activity/program that aims to measure the success of an activity/program and determine whether the success of a program has been as expected. This study aims to evaluate the infrastructure of educational facilities in tertiary institutions. Activities in the data analysis of the Spradley model consist of domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and analysis of cultural themes. In addition, validity testing is done by using the triangulation technique. The results of studies describe the horizontal circulation system (open hallways, doors, corridors, tactile pavings) and vertical circulation (ramps, stairs, elevators) in the FT Unhas Gowa. The research shows that these facilities still need to meet the standards fully, therefore recommending the design of providing facilities that implement Universal Design to meet the convenience of all visitors and building users in the FT Unhas Gowa area.

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