
This article deals with the issue of the impact of universal basic income (UBI) on the standards and quality of life of population, highlights some theoretical and methodological aspects of its introduction, characterizes the current state of research on this issue and the experience of other countries. It presents the basic conceptual provisions of the scientific study conducted by the authors, which are aimed at the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the idea of introducing universal basic income in Russia, its forms, tools and possible application mechanisms for transformation of the processes and structures of the functioning of the labor and employment sphere, development of human potential, reduction of absolute monetary poverty and excessive socio-economic inequality, that meet modern technological challenges and lead to improving the standards and quality of life of people and the sustainability of the state and society. The presented study is of high significance due to influence of the category “universal basic income”, practical forms, tools and mechanisms of its application on the essential aspects of the life of people, on the expected improvement in their standards and quality of life and the sustainability of the state and society. It will contribute to formation of the scientific, organizational, instrumental and documentary basis for implementation of pilot projects at the regional level, where transitional forms of universal basic income relevant to Russia can be tested. Testing UBI in Russia is of a particular relevance because of the widespread precarious employment, high poverty rates and excessive socio-economic inequality in our country.

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