
In the letter of James, ‘law’ (νόμος) is mentioned in three passages: 1.21-25, 2.8-12 and 4.11-12. This article focuses on Jas 1.21-25 and the relationship of λόγος at the beginning of the passage (1.21-23) with νόμος at the end (1.25; cf. 2.12). The question asked is whether James reflects Stoic views or not by analyzing this passage alongside occurrences of the expression רז נהיה (‘mystery of existence’) in 4QInstruction, the Community Rule and 1QMysteries. The broader aim is to consider how this passage of James may be situated within both Jewish Hellenistic literature and sapiential traditions discovered at Qumran in order to challenge straightforward identifications of Jas 1.21-25 with Stoicism. In conclusion, it is not simply that James is seen to align with these Qumran discoveries over and against Stoic thought, but rather all of these traditions are operating with comparable bridging concepts.

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