
With the wide use of electrocardiogram (ECG) technology, more and more ECGs have been collected and stored. However, ECG labeling is costly and laborious, the utilization of unlabeled ECG is still a critical challenge. Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a way to deal with this problem, which can learn representations from unlabeled ECG and use them for downstream tasks. In this study, a novel SSL model that fuses generative learning (denoising autoencoder, DAE) and contrastive learning (CL) is proposed to learn robust representations from unlabeled ECG for downstream denoising and classification. The 12-lead ECGs are separated into one-dimensional single-lead ECGs and ECG-specific noises are added to the original ECGs as the data augmentation method. To improve the model's denoising and feature extraction abilities, the reconstruction loss and contrastive loss are combined during the pretraining phase. In the downstream classification task, a multi-branch network is used to enhance the correlation between different ECG leads. As a result, it improves the denoising performance over the standard DAE by an average of 5.20%. In the classification tasks for the Chapman, PTB-XL, and CPSC2018 databases, compared to existing work, the accuracies in linear probe are increased by at least 2.49%, 1.09%, and 2.61%, respectively. In addition, an SoC (system-on-a-chip) based heterogeneous deployment scheme is designed. It is 13.69–14.26 times faster in inference than pure software deployment and enables real-time detection of ECG signals. The proposed method provides a good way to utilize unlabeled ECG, and the designed deployment scheme has great potential for medical applications.

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