
Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Karim which is the great work of Mahmud Yunus who is known as one of the productive Indonesian scholars has produced written works in various Islamic disciplines. This interpretation is always interesting to study because its style is thick with the nuances of ijtima'i as a form of response to the realities of life that exist in society. Among the descriptions found in many places in this commentary is the importance of maintaining unity and integrity and avoiding disintegrity. So this paper aims to analyze Mahmud Yunus's thoughts on the unity of the people with a descriptive approach to analysis based on library data. The findings of this study found that efforts to realize unity among Muslims must continue to be carried out even though big challenges always exist. Challenges to the union came from external and internal. External, namely from parties outside Islam who do not want the realization of Muslim unity. While internal comes from within the body of Muslims caused by not adhering to the Qur'an and sunnah and the nature of ta'ashub. As a solution offered is to strengthen moral education or tarbawi akhlaqi in social life


  • Unity is an undoubted requirement of gloriousness in all forms of life together

  • Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim which is the great work of Mahmud Yunus who is known as one of the productive Indonesian scholars has produced written works in various Islamic disciplines

  • Mahmud Yunus mentioned it on several occasions, for example when interpreting the letters of Ali Imran: 103, al-An’am: 159, and al-Mu’minun: 52

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Kata Kunci

Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim merupakan karya besar Mahmud Yunus yang dikenal sebagai salah seorang ulama Indonesia produktif yang menghasilkan karya tulis dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu keislaman. Tafsir ini selalu menarik untuk dikaji karena coraknya yang kental dengan nuansa ijtima’i sebagai bentuk respon atas realitas kehidupan yang ada di tengah masyarakat. Tantangan bagi persatuan itu datang dari eksternal dan internal. Tantangan eksternal datang dari pihak di luar Islam yang tidak menginginkan terwujudnya persatuan umat Islam. Sedangkan tantangan internal berasal dari dalam tubuh umat Islam disebabkan oleh tidak berpegang pada al-Qur’an dan sunnah, serta sifat ta’ashub. Sebagai solusi yang ditawarkan ialah dengan penguatan pendidikan akhlak atau tarbawi akhlaqi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat

The fact shows that unity is not easy to be
The term tarbiyah according to its believer was
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