
In order to achieve a unity beyond religious and ethnic conflict, it could be valuable to recognize universal ethical principles on which such a unity could rest. are living in a time of global transition when it is acceptable even in the secular political atmosphere of the United Nations to express the moral and spiritual dimensions of worldwide issues and concerns. In fact, spiritual values are the foundation of the charter of the United Nations. Religious representatives at the United Nations are in a unique position to infuse the spiritual and moral values of their religious traditions into discussions of global issues, thereby effecting positive change. Moral values are becoming increasingly applicable. For example, the 1995 Copenhagen Declaration and Program of Action demands: We heads of State and Government are committed to a political, economic, ethical and spiritual vision for social development that is based on human dignity, human rights, equality, respect, peace, democracy, mutual responsibility and cooperation, and full respect for the various religious and ethical values and cultural backgrounds of people.' world religions and the United Nations should renew their commitments to peace and, more important, to translating their shared commitments into practical and effective action. In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, sketching the inalienable rights with which all of us are born. Since then, the United Nations has agreed on a body of human rights covenants, protocols, and declarations, further defining our collective economic, social, cultural, political, and civil rights and creating a system to protect them. UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali articulated the underlying philosophy: The human rights that we proclaim and seek to safeguard can be brought about only if we transcend ourselves, only if we make a conscious

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