
Many Navies around the world have either committed to or are considering utilizing an integrated electric propulsion and ship service power system for their next generation of surface combatants. An integrated system provides for greater operational flexibility, efficiency, and survivability as described in Reference [1]. Two examples of this concept are the Type 45 Destroyer program for the Royal Navy and the DD (X) program for the US Navy. The machinery plant for the Type 45 will include both gas turbine and diesel generators sets, and although not determined yet, the DD (X) plant will undoubtedly include gas turbine prime movers. The US Navy has been evaluating a gas turbine generator based Integrated Power System (IPS) architecture at the Land Based Engineering Site (LBES) at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Ship Systems Engineering Station (NSWCCD-SSES) in Philadelphia, Pa since 1999. This paper will describe the IPS configuration, test program, gas turbine generators, gas turbine generator operational experience, and recommendations for future systems.

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