
Subject The United Russia party's search for a meaningful role. Significance President Vladimir Putin has reaffirmed the central role of the governing United Russia party but instructed it to improve its performance. He was speaking on day two of a December 7-8 party congress held in the aftermath of reverses in regional elections and falling popular support. The party duly promised to mend its ways with a training school to raise standards and new ethics procedures, but offered no new policy ideas. Impacts Putin snubbed United Russia by being re-elected as an independent but has turned back to the party in hope of reinvigorating it. United Russia has no collective voice on foreign policy issues such as Ukraine or Western sanctions; it must stick to its assigned role. The Kremlin will watch United Russia's regional governors closely and assess their ability to contain local grievances. If United Russia is failing, the Kremlin may have to examine alternative mechanisms for picking Putin's successor.

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