
IN October 1946 the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations adopted by a large majority a resolution. Transmitted by the French delegation calling upon the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Educatinal, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and the other specialized agencies concerned, to report upon the problem of establishing United Nations Research Laboratories. Two parallel inquiries were made, the results of which have now been published* ; the first was conducted by the Secretary-General, and the second by Unesco. The Unesco report occupies some seventy pages of the annexes, and with it appear replies from the World Health Organisation, the International Labour Organisation, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation as well as from the International Council of Scientific Unions and six of the individual Unions, from the World Power Conference and like organisations, the Rockefeller Foundation and from forty-two individual scientific men, including Dr. K. T. Compton, Sir Charles Darwin, Prof. A. Einstein, Prof. A. V. Hill, Prof. Harlow Shapley, Prof. H. C. Urey and Prof. S. Zuckerman.

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