
According to data on earthquakes with a magnitude of М ≥ 4.5 recorded on the planet in 1973–2017, a UT variation in the number of earthquakes with an amplitude of ~10% was found and compared with the UT variation in the atmosphere gradient of electric-potential (Carnegie curve), the amplitude of which is ~20%. It is shown that the amplitude of UT variations in the number of deep-focus earthquakes is greater than that for crustal earthquakes and that it outruns the UT variation in the atmosphere gradient of electric-potential by ~2 h. A linear regression equation between UT variations in the number of deep-focus earthquakes and the gradient of electric-potential is obtained with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.86. The results support the new concept that the processes of earthquake preparation and realization are coupled with the processes of the functioning of the global electric circuit and the generation of the atmospheric electric field.

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