
Renormalization group methods are an essential ingredient in the study of nonperturbative problems of quantum field theory. This paper deal with the symmetry constraints on the renormalization group flow for quartic melonic tensorial group field theories. Using the unitary invariance of the interactions, we provide a set of Ward–Takahashi identities which leads to relations between correlation functions. There are numerous reasons to consider such Ward identities in the functional renormalization group. Their compatibility along the flow provides a non-trivial constraint on the reliability of the approximation schemes used in the non-perturbative regime, especially on the truncation and the choice of the regulator. We establish the so-called structure equations in the melonic sector and in the symmetric phase. As an example we consider the TGFT model without gauge constraint. The Wetterich flow equation is given and the way to improve the truncation on the effective action is also scrutinized.

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