
This article examines the basic properties of unitary matrix integrals using three matrix models: the ordinary unitary model, the Brézin-Gross-Witten (BGW) model and the Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber (HCIZ) model. The tricky sides of the story are given special attention, such as the de Wit-’t Hooft anomaly in unitary integrals and the problem of correlators with Itzykson-Zuber measure. The method of character expansions is also emphasized as a technical tool. The article first provides an overview of the theory of the BGW model, taking into account the de Wit-’t Hooft anomaly and the M-theory of matrix models, before discussing the theory of the HCIZ integral. In particular, it describes the basics of character calculus, character expansion of the HCIZ integral, character expansion for the BGW model and Leutwyler-Smilga integral, and pair correlator in HCIZ theory.

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