
In a series of papers EFI~OV (1) and his col laborators have invest igated a novel idea for constructing au S-matr ix which is applicable to both renormalizablc and nonrenormalizablc iuteract ions. This method makes i t possible to t rea t , with ease, part icles with high spin ( >~ 1), four-fermion interact ions or the quantum theory of gravi ta t ion without encountering any infinities. Since the Bogol iubov-Parasiuk renormalizat ion of these interact ions, if applicable, is open ended and analyt ic renormalizat ion (3) has not ye t been appl ied extensively to these cases, i t seems therefore highly desirable to examine this method further . Efimov's approach dispenses with field equation and gives the S-matr ix directly (3) ; s tar t ing with a s tandard Feynman graph the method consists in the following replacement of the p ropaga tor :

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