
Starting from the fact that the independent variable in calculus approaches a certain value infinitely in one direction, the uniqueness of the dependent variable’s simultaneous infinite approximation function value and the im-portance and unshakability of the approach direction, the students are guided to think that “only by adhering to the socialist road can the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people be realized”. This paper attempts to combine the importance of direction selection in the limit theory with function subsection. It explains Marx Lenin doctrine and Mao Zedong thought, guiding the Chinese people to go out for a long night, building a new China and carrying out the socialist revolution, so that the socialist road can be established in China, and Deng Xiaoping’s theory makes China rich and Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In these three key stages, the importance and uniqueness of adhering to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics has become stronger.

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