
Aim. To determine the impact of long-term effect of the complex of factors (anthropogenic and climatic) on the soil fertility, the change in the phytocenosis of weeds and the productivity of winter rye at permanent cultivation. Methods. The content of nitrogen in soil was defi ned by Kornfi eld’s method, phosphorus and potassium – according to Chirikov; the content of non-organic chemical elements in the soil – by ICP-MS method using the emission mass-spectrometer Agilent-7700 × (USA). Results. It was determined that the average productivity of winter rye in 1884–2016 was 1.19 t/ha, but the level of crop productivity fl uctuated depending on the favorable weather conditions of the year, the quality of soil preparation and the content of productive moisture in the cultivated soil layer during sowing, and the weediness of the experimental sowing. Conclusions. The results of the studies may be used to solve the fundamental issues of agriculture, for comprehensive complex investigations, the demonstration of the role of the main factors and conditions of vegetative life.

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