
algebraic group over R or C. In this paper, we restrict attention to C. We generalize Arthur's definition slightly (or perhaps simply make it more precise). All of the resulting representations, except for a finite set, are then unitarily induced from representations of the same kind on proper parabolic subgroups. We call the finite set remaining special unipotent representations; a precise definition will be given later (Definition 1.17). Our main result (Theorem III of this introduction) is a character formula for any special unipotent representation. Of course such a formula can be deduced from the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture (cf. [V3]). The advantages of Theorem III are that it is in closed form, and that it lends itself to verification of some conjectures of Arthur in [A]. So let G be a connected complex semisimple Lie group, and q its Lie algebra. Choose

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