
AbstractLet G = GL(n, F) where F is a p-adic field, and let 𝓗(G) denote the Hecke algebra of spherical functions on G. Let u1,..., up denote a complete set of representatives for the unipotent conjugacy classes in G. For each 1 ≤ i ≤ p, let μi be the linear functional on such that μi(f) is the orbital integral of f over the orbit of ui. Waldspurger proved that the μi, 1 ≤ i ≤ p, are linearly independent. In this paper we give an elementary proof of Waldspurger's theorem which provides concrete information about the Hecke functions needed to separate orbits. We also prove a twisted version of Waldspurger's theorem and discuss the consequences for SL(n, F).

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