
Purpose:Single-nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis identifies copy-number variants and blocks of homozygosity, suggestive of consanguinity or uniparental disomy. The purpose of this study was to validate chromosomal microarray analysis for the identification of uniparental disomy in a clinical laboratory.Methods:In phase I of this retrospective study, nine cases with uniparental disomy for chromosomes 7 (n = 1), 14 (n = 1), and 15 (n = 7), identified by conventional polymorphic microsatellite marker analysis were analyzed on the Affymetrix 6.0 single-nucleotide polymorphism array. In phase II, four cases of uniparental disomy 15 showing heterozygosity for all microsatellite markers were analyzed using the same array.Results:Chromosomal microarray analysis detected blocks of homozygosity in eight of the nine cases in phase I. Phase II analysis of molecularly defined heterodisomy failed to detect blocks of homozygosity in three of the four cases. The four cases in which microarray did not detect blocks of homozygosity all involved chromosome 15.Conclusion:A failure to recombine may predispose to nondisjunction and, therefore, to uniparental disomy. Four cases of heterodisomy 15 were not detected by array, suggesting a lack of recombination. Therefore, a normal chromosomal microarray result for chromosome 15 does not exclude the possibility of uniparental disomy. This observation may apply to other chromosomes; however, further study is needed.Genet Med advance online publication 26 April 2012.

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