
Section A: is Neglect? P. Halligan, J. Marshall, The Nature and Natural History of Neglect. G. Valler, The Anatomical Basis of Spatial Hemineglect in Humans. Section B: Neuropsychological Processes Underlying Neglect. G. Gainotti, The Role of Spontaneous Eye Movements in Orienting Attention and in Unilateral Neglect. G. Rizzolatti, A. Berti, Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Neglect. M. Kinsbourne, Orientational Bias Model of Unilateral Neglect: Evidence from Attentional Gradients within Hemispace. M.J. Farah, M.A. Wallace, S.P. Vecera, What and Where in Visual Attention: Evidence from the Neglect Syndrome. G.W. Humphries, M.J. Riddoch, Interactive Attentional Systems and Unilateral Visual Neglect. I. Robertson, The Relationship between Lateralised and Non-Lateralised Attentional Deficits in Unilateral Left Neglect. L.C. Robertson, M. Eglin, Attentional Search in Unilateral Visual Neglect. E. Ladevas, Shifts of Attention in Patients with Visual Neglect. R. Werth, Shifts and Omissions in Spatial Reference in Unilateral Neglect. A.W. Ellis, A.W. Young, B.M. Flude, Neglect and Visual Language. J. Marshall, P. Halligan, I. Robertson, A Critical Review of Contemporary Theories. Section C: Rehabilitation of Neglect. L. Diller, The Behavioural Management of Neglect. I. Robertson, P. Halligan, J. Marshall, Prospects for the Rehabilitation of Unilateral Neglect.

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