
Introduction: Dental gemination is an uncommon developmental anomaly characterized by an enlarged bifid tooth crown. Case Report: This case report presents clinical and radiographic findings of gemination affecting a mandibular left lateral incisor in a 20-year-old female patient. The patient presented for a routine dental examination, which revealed an abnormal crown morphology of the mandibular left lateral incisor. There was no associated symptomology. Radiographic analysis confirmed the presence of a single root and root canal beneath the bifid tooth crown. Based on the clinical and radiographic features, a diagnosis of gemination was made. The treatment plan options were discussed with the patient, who opted not to restore the anomalous tooth. Instead, the geminated tooth will be kept under observation with regular monitoring and preventive care. Conclusion: This case provides an example of the importance of proper diagnosis of developmental dental anomalies. It also underscores the role of patient preferences in determining appropriate management of incidental findings like asymptomatic geminated teeth.

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