
We demonstrate a novel attoclock, in which we add a perturbative linearly polarized light field at 400nm to calibrate the attoclock constructed by an intense circularly polarized field at 800nm. This approach can be directly implemented to analyze the recent hot and controversial topics involving strong-field tunneling ionization. The generally accepted picture is that tunneling ionization is instantaneous and that the tunneling probability synchronizes with the laser electric field. Alternatively, recently it was described in the Wigner picture that tunneling ionization would occur with a certain of time delay. We unify the two seemingly opposite viewpoints within one theoretical framework, i.e., the strong-field approximation (SFA). We illustrate that both the instantaneous tunneling picture and the Wigner time delay picture that are derived from the SFA can interpret the measurement well. Our results show that the finite tunneling delay will accompany nonzero exit longitudinal momenta. This is not the case for the instantaneous tunneling picture, where the most probable exit longitudinal momentum would be zero.

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