
The Clifford hierarchy is a foundational concept for universal quantum computation (UQC). It was introduced to show that UQC can be realized via quantum teleportation, given access to certain standard resources. While the full structure of the hierarchy is still not understood, Cui et al. (arXiv:1608.06596) recently described the structure of diagonal unitaries in the hierarchy. They considered diagonal gates whose action on a computational basis qudit state is described by a $2^k$-th root of unity raised to a polynomial function of the state, and they established the level of such unitaries in the hierarchy. For qubit systems, we consider $k$-th level diagonal gates that can be described just by quadratic forms of the state over the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ of integers mod $2^k$. These involve symmetric matrices over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ that can be used to efficiently describe all $2$-local and certain higher locality diagonal gates in the hierarchy. We also provide explicit algebraic descriptions of their action on Pauli matrices, which establishes a natural recursion to diagonal gates from lower levels. This involves symplectic matrices over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ and hence our perspective unifies these gates with the binary symplectic framework for Clifford gates. We augment our description with simple examples for certain standard gates. In addition to demonstrating structure, these formulas might prove useful in applications such as (i) classical simulation of quantum circuits, especially via the stabilizer rank approach, (ii) synthesis of logical non-Clifford unitaries, specifically alternatives to magic state distillation, and (iii) decomposition of arbitrary unitaries beyond the Clifford+$T$ set of gates, perhaps leading to shorter depth circuits. Our results suggest that some non-diagonal gates might be understood by generalizing other binary symplectic matrices to integer rings.

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