
A theory of 1 f and conductance noise is given for ionic channels in nerve membrane. The theory is based on the assumption that the channels are in constant, stochastically independent, rotational motion within a fluid bilayer membrane. The resulting expression for the current noise power density S contains a conduction noise term consistent with Stevens (1972) and Hill & Chen (1972) and a 1 f noise term consistent with Lundstrom & McQueen (1974) and Clay & Shlesinger (1976). The expression for S also contains a third term which is the spectrum of the product of the single channel conduction noise and 1 f noise correlation functions. This term is independent of the number of channels in the membrane, R. Consequently, the expression for S effectively reduces to a sum of 1 f and conduction noise for R 10–100 which is in agreement with noise measurements on squid axon. The theory is applied in detail to potassium squid noise measurements of Conti, DeFelice & Wanke (1975) using the stochastic analysis of single file ion motion developed in our previous paper ( Clay & Shlesinger (1976)).

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