
Some unified theories on the gravitational and electromagnetic fields are researched. We investigate mainly two new geometric unified theories. A method is that the gravitational field and the source-free electromagnetic field can be unified by the equations Rklmi = κTklmi* in the Riemannian geometry, both are contractions of im and ik, respectively. If Rklmi = κTklmi* =constant, it will be equivalent to the Yang’s gravitational equations Rkm;l –Rkl;m = 0, which include Rlm= 0. From Rlm= 0 we can obtain the Lorentz equations of motion, the first system and second source-free system of Maxwell’s field equations. This unification can be included in the gauge theory, and the unified gauge group is SL(2,C) × U(1)=GL(2,C), which is just the same as the gauge group of the Riemannian manifold. Another unified method on the general nonsymmetric metric field with high-dimensional space-time and its matrix representations are analyzed mathematically. Further, the general unified theory of five-dimensional space-time combined quantum theory and four interactions is researched. Some possible unification ways on the gravitational and electromagnetic fields are discussed. The general matrix and various corresponding theories may decompose to a sum of symmetry and antisymmetry. Moreover, we proposed an imaginative representation on the ten dimensional space-time.

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