
Precise knowledge of the nucleon's axial-current form factors is crucial for modeling GeV-scale neutrino-nucleus interactions. Unfortunately, the axial form factor remains insufficiently constrained to meet the precision requirements of upcoming long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiments. This work studies the nucleon's axial and vector form factors using the light-front approach to build a quark-diquark model of the nucleon with an explicit pion cloud. The light-front wave functions in both the quark and pion-baryon Fock spaces are first calibrated to existing experimental information on the nucleon's electromagnetic form factors and then used to predict the axial form factor. The resulting squared charge radius of the axial pseudovector form factor is predicted to be ${r}_{A}^{2}=0.29\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.03\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{fm}}^{2}$, where the small error accounts for the model's parametric uncertainty. We use our form factor results to explore the (quasi)elastic scattering of neutrinos by (nuclei)nucleons, with the result that the widely implemented dipole ansatz is an inadequate approximation of the full form factor for modeling both processes. The approximation leads to a 5%--10% overestimation of the total cross section, depending on the (anti)neutrino energy. We project overestimations of similar size in the flux-averaged cross sections for the upcoming DUNE long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment.

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