
Background Physical and technological processes in oil production and preparation occur, as a rule, in closed volumes of natural or artificial origin. The regularities of the course of these processes are not always possible to fix with the help of measuring instruments, in connection with which, in a number of cases, calculation methods for obtaining the necessary information are used. Indicators and labeled fluids are used to study the internal content and condition of oil production facilities and oilfield equipment. The article demonstrates the universality of the principle of using such diagnostic methods, provides analogs from well-known phenomena of the surrounding world. Aims and Objectives Show the general principle of the implementation of indicator and benchmark technologies in borehole oil production and the system for gathering and processing oil, gas and associated water. To develop a technical solution for the use of oil temperature as an information parameter for pipeline transport based on the uniformity of reference technologies. Methods The reference and indicator technologies are considered by the authors according to the mechanism of creating a zone of fluids with different pressure, density and composition values in terms of the concentration of the substance. Results A unified basis of natural phenomena and technological processes in oil production has been substantiated, which is used to develop reference technologies for assessing the internal state of wells and pipelines of the oil gathering system. On the basis of the common fundamental principles of reference technologies, the possibility of applying the technologies used in oil and gas production in the pipeline transport of hydrocarbon raw materials is substantiated by strengthening the boundaries between oil zones with different temperatures and substance concentrations.

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