
We present a unified approach to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA) for magnetic chains and field theories that includes the finite size (and zero-temperature) calculations for lattice BA models. In all cases, the free energy follows by quadratures from the solution of a single nonlinear integral equation (NLIE) (a system of NLIE appears for nested BA). We derive the NLIE for: (a) the six-vertex model with twisted boundary conditions, (b) the XXZ chain in an external magnetic field h z and (c) the massive Thirring sine-Gordon model (mT-sG) in a periodic box of size β ≡ T -1 using the light-cone approach. This NLIE is solved by iteration in one regime (high T in the XXZ chain and low T in the sG-mT model). In the opposite (conformal) regime, the leading behaviors are obtained in closed form. Higher corrections can be derived from the Riemann-Hilbert form of the NLIE that we present.

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