
This paper presents a unified approach to model the influence of fabric anisotropy and its evolution on both the elastic and plastic responses of sand. A physically based fabric tensor is employed to characterize the anisotropic internal structure of sand. It is incorporated into the nonlinear elastic stiffness tensor to describe anisotropic elasticity, and is further included explicitly in the yield function, the dilatancy relation, and the flow rule to characterize the anisotropic plastic sand response. The physical change of fabric with loading is described by a fabric evolution law driven by plastic strain, which influences both the elastic and the plastic sand behavior. The proposed model furnishes a comprehensive consideration of both anisotropic elasticity and anisotropic plasticity, particularly the nonlinear change of elastic stiffness with the evolution of fabric during the plastic deformation of sand. It offers a natural and rational way to capture the noncoaxial behavior in sand caused by anisotropy. It also facilitates easy determination of the initial anisotropy in sand based on simple laboratory tests and avoids the various arbitrary assumptions on its value made by many previous studies. The model predictions on sand behavior compare well with test data.

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