
\textit{Ab initio} calculations of electron-phonon interactions including the polar Fr\"ohlich coupling have advanced considerably in recent years. The Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon matrix element is by now well understood in the case of bulk three-dimensional (3D) materials. In the case of two-dimensional (2D) materials, the standard procedure to include Fr\"ohlich coupling is to employ Coulomb truncation, so as to eliminate artificial interactions between periodic images of the 2D layer. While these techniques are well established, the transition of the Fr\"ohlich coupling from three to two dimensions has not been investigated. Furthermore, it remains unclear what error one makes when describing 2D systems using the standard bulk formalism in a periodic supercell geometry. Here, we generalize previous work on the \textit{ab initio} Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon matrix element in bulk materials by investigating the electrostatic potential of atomic dipoles in a periodic supercell consisting of a 2D material and a continuum dielectric slab. We obtain a unified expression for the matrix element, which reduces to the existing formulas for 3D and 2D systems when the interlayer separation tends to zero or infinity, respectively. This new expression enables an accurate description of the Fr\"ohlich matrix element in 2D systems without resorting to Coulomb truncation. We validate our approach by direct \textit{ab initio} density-functional perturbation theory calculations for monolayer BN and MoS$_2$, and we provide a simple expression for the 2D Fr\"ohlich matrix element that can be used in model Hamiltonian approaches. The formalism outlined in this work may find applications in calculations of polarons, quasiparticle renormalization, transport coefficients, and superconductivity, in 2D and quasi-2D materials.

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