
Our main result shows that certain generalized convex functions on a real interval possess a unique best L 1 L^{1} approximation from the family of piecewise polynomial functions of fixed degree with varying knots. This result was anticipated by Kioustelidis in [Uniqueness of optimal piecewise polynomial L 1 L_{1} approximations for generalized convex functions, from “Functional Analysis and Approximation”, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., vol. 60 (1981), 421–432]; however the proof given there is nonconstructive and uses topological degree as the primary tool, in a fashion similar to the proof the comparable result for the L 2 L^{2} case in [J. Chow, On the uniqueness of best L 2 [ 0 , 1 ] L_{2}[0,1] approximation by piecewise polynomials with variable breakpoints, Math. Comp. 39 (1982), 571–585.]. By contrast, the proof given here proceeds by demonstrating the global convergence of an algorithm to calculate a best approximation over the domain of all possible knot vectors. The proof uses the contraction mapping theorem to simultaneously establish convergence and uniqueness. This algorithm was suggested by Kioustelidis [Optimal segmented polynomial L p L^{p} -approximation, Computing 26 (1981), 239–246.]. In addition, an asymptotic uniqueness result and a nonuniqueness result are indicated, which analogize known results in the L 2 L^{2} case.

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