
The paper is based on the Deleuzean concept of the deterritorialization of refrain, using unformed sound and an investigation into how it works in the multimedia project Silver Dust. The experimental video project created by Lithuanian artist Andrius Sarapovas is interdisciplinary, comprising of music, dance, and poetry. In the project, different art lines run separately, parallel or in different directions, are full of cracks, and at the same time create unity through the invisible links. Our question is: How does G. Deleuze and F. Guattari’s mention of “raw sounds” in What is Philosophy? stimulate the appearance of the art’s machine, vibration and clinches between the different art lines in the composition Silver Dust? Using Deleuzoguattarian concepts of crack and flesh, the arrangement of composition, the rearrangement of characters in art machine, and the acting of a dark precursor is analyzed. The conclusion is that A. Sarapovas tries to compound raw sound / noise, unexpectedly coming into music and poetry and the raw view in image (image behind the scene) and allows for their interconnection during the montage, opening up the conditions for vibrations and couplings between heterogeneous elements and division. Consequently, sounds are held as G. Deleuze and F. Guattari state, in their “extinction”, “production and development” by the multimedia art machine.

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