
Creativity which is driven by negative intention can be termed as malevolent creativity (MC). Existing findings revealed that unfairness promoted regular antisocial behavior like aggression or lying. But the relationship between unfairness and creative antisocial behavior (i.e., MC) have not been investigated. Based on AMORAL theory, two studies were conducted to investigate the relationship between unfairness and MC from trait and state levels respectively. In Study 1, participants completed several questionaries about unfairness, MC, and other personality traits in online formats. Results showed that MC was significantly correlated with individuals’ unfairness, aggression, and moral disengagement. Aggression and moral disengagement played mediating roles between unfairness and MC. In Study 2, the Ultimatum Game paradigm was used to activate participants’ feelings of unfairness and they were further asked to solve MC problems in control or unfair conditions. Results showed that the experience of unfair condition enhanced individuals’ MC performance. Anger and implicit aggression played mediating roles between unfairness and MC. These findings indicate that individuals’ MC performance might be enhanced by unfairness and this effect could be related to individuals’ moral disengagement, aggression and anger.

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