
The spin-glass transition in a field in finite dimension is analyzed directly at zero temperature using a perturbative loop expansion around the Bethe lattice solution. The loop expansion is generated by the M-layer construction whose first diagrams are evaluated numerically and analytically. The generalized Ginzburg criterion reveals that the upper critical dimension below which mean-field theory fails is D_{U}≥8, at variance with the classical result D_{U}=6 yielded by finite-temperature replica field theory. Our expansion around the Bethe lattice has two crucial differences with respect to the classical one. The finite connectivity z of the lattice is directly included from the beginning in the Bethe lattice, while in the classical computation the finite connectivity is obtained through an expansion in 1/z. Moreover, if one is interested in the zero temperature (T=0) transition, one can directly expand around the T=0 Bethe transition. The expansion directly at T=0 is not possible in the classical framework because the fully connected spin glass does not have a transition at T=0, being in the broken phase for any value of the external field.

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