
Facultative sex ratio manipulation has been examined in a limited number of diploid species, mainly vertebrates. We tested the prediction that mothers would preferentially place males in conditions conducive to large size in the diploid pine engraver bark beetle, Ips pini. In this species, males are the larger sex and therefore male reproductive success was expected to be more dependent on body size than female reproductive success. Because body size is largely environmentally determined in bark beetles, mothers were expected to alter sex ratios in response to habitat quality. Contrary to predictions, offspring sex ratios tended to be more female biased in situations conducive to large offspring size than in situations producing offspring of small size. We were able to rule out nonadaptive explanations such as differential mortality or development times of males and females, suggesting that the observed pattern is adaptive. This study provides a rare example of sex ratio manipulation in diploid insects. However, the unexpected direction of sex ratio biases suggests that daughters gain a yet unknown benefit from being reared in high-quality conditions that surpasses the fitness that would be gained from producing relatively larger sons.

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