
Intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) have been proposed to be important contributors to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. In this study, we characterized ambient IVOCs in Beijing and performed a comprehensive closure study of ambient SOA production using top-down (photochemical-age-based parameterization method to apportion OA) and bottom-up (estimation of SOA from detailed speciation of IVOCs and VOCs) approaches. The IVOCs in Beijing were more oxidized and had a high abundance (62.5 ± 45.2 μg m−3), significantly higher than in the US. Unlike the US, the IVOCs in Beijing shows a hybrid characteristic of gasoline and vehicle exhausts and are influenced by complicated sources. A ∼ 80% SOA mass closure could be reached between the top-down and bottom-up methods, in which IVOCs was the dominant contributor (75.5%). Furthermore, we established a parametric method (SOA/CO vs. photochemical age) to estimate the contribution of vehicular SOA to ambient OA. Unexpectedly, the contributions of gasoline vehicles to ambient OA are only 7.3% for POA and 13.0% for SOA. Our results imply that IVOCs from other sources, e.g., diesel vehicles and cooking emissions, may be important precursors to secondary organic aerosol in Beijing. In addition, this study highlights the importance of comprehensively performing the molecular identification of IVOCs from different emissions in China. Plain language summarySecondary organic aerosol (SOA), formed by multigenerational oxidation of gas-phase compounds, represents a significant fraction of organic aerosol. However, current models often underestimate the measured SOA mass. One of the ubiquitous reasons is the missing measurement of the intermediate volatility organic compounds (IVOCs). Here we quantified and qualified the IVOCs in Beijing and performed a comprehensive SOA study using bottom-up and top-down methods. Besides, we estimate the SOA formation by gasoline vehicles. Unexpectedly, the contributions of gasoline vehicles to ambient OA are only 7.3% for POA and 13.0% for SOA, highlighting the importance of studying IVOCs from other sources, e.g., diesel exhausts and cooking emissions.

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