
Application of high-dosage UVB irradiation in phototherapeutic dermatological treatments present health concerns attributed to UV-exposure. In assessing UV-induced photobiological damage, we investigated dose-dependent effects of UVB irradiation on human keratinocyte cells (HaCaT). Our study implemented survival and apoptosis assays and revealed an unexpected dose response wherein higher UVB-dosage induced higher viability. Established inhibitors, such as AKT- (LY294002), PKC- (Gö6976, and Rottlerin), ERK- (PD98059), P38 MAPK- (SB203580), and JNK- (SP600125), were assessed to investigate UV-induced apoptotic pathways. Despite unobvious contributions of known signaling pathways in dose-response mediation, microarray analysis identified transcriptional expression of UVB-response genes related to the respiratory-chain. Observed correlation of ROS-production with UVB irradiation potentiated ROS as the underlying mechanism for observed dose responses. Inability of established pathways to explain such responses suggests the complex nature underlying UVB-phototherapy response.

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