
During the early 21st century and the last decades of the 20th century, a systematic investigation of prehistoric settlements was conducted in the Trans-Nemunas region (Užnemunė). In the course of ten archaeological investigation seasons, over fifty Stone, Bronze, and Iron Age sites and isolated artefact find spots were discovered at Kubilėliai, Žiūriai, Padusys, Aradninkai, and Paveisiejai settlements and cemeteries and excavated. The conditions for pottery to survive at the Trans-Nemunas region sites was not favourable; the cultural layers of all of the investigated settlements were in sand and in many places had been disturbed through ploughing or blown away by the wind. Although few in number or in poor condition, the Trans-Nemunas region pottery was very diverse and differed at the same sites. The publications devoted to the review of the investigated sites paid the most attention to the legacy of the Stone and Early Bronze Age, while the material from later periods was insufficiently illuminated. It is hoped that this article will fill this gap and bring new data to light about the development of Trans-Nemunas region pottery from the Neolithic to the mid-1st millennium. Keywords: Neolithic forest culture pottery, Brushed Pottery culture pottery, Przeworsk culture pottery, Bogaczewo culture pottery.

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