
Title: Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China Editor LI, Shi Professor, Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing & SATO, Hiroshi Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Contents Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Foreword Acknowledgements List of contributors Chapter 1. Introduction Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato Part I. Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty Chapter 2. Labor Retrenchment in China: Determinants and Consequences Simon Appleton, John Knight, Lina Song and Qingjie Xia Chapter 3. Unemployment, Poverty and Income Disparity in Urban China Jinjun Xue and Wei Zhong Chapter 4. Economic Restructuring and Income Inequality in Urban China Xin Meng Chapter 5. Unemployment, Consumption Smoothing, and Precautionary Saving in Urban China Xin Meng Chapter 6. The Decline of In-kind Wage Payments in Urban China Li Shi and Zhao Yaohui Chapter 7. Rising Poverty and Its Causes in Urban China Li Shi Chapter 8. Can a Subjective Poverty Line be Applied to Urban China? Bjorn Gustafsson, Li Shi, and Hiroshi Sato Part II. The Emerging Labour Market Chapter 9. From Work Unit Socialism to a Stratified Labour Market Hiroshi Sato Chapter 10. Contrasting paradigms: Segmentation and Competitiveness in the Formation of the Chinese Labour Market Simon Appleton, John Knight, Lina Song and Qingjie Xia Chapter 11. Job Mobility of Residents and Migrants in Urban China John Knight and Linda Yueh Chapter 12. How Does Firm Profitability Affect Wages in Urban China? John Knight and Li Shi Chapter 13. An Investment Model of Social Capital with Empirical Application to Women's Labour Market Outcomes in Urban China Linda Yueh Index

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